Northwest Current 5th Grade

Posted By on Nov 27, 2013 |

news_banner“I needed clothes and you clothed me.” This is a very well known proverb from the Bible and Saint Ann’s Academy students took this to heart and participated during the month of November by collecting coats for the Catholic Charities: Coats of Many Colors Drive.

Every November, Saint Ann’s students raise money through a Turkey Feather fundraising effort. Each class has a “naked” turkey. Students bring in money to purchase feathers for their turkey. Feathers are cut out from newspapers which are donated by families and staff. The National Junior Honor Society students coordinated the fund raiser this year.

The class that buys the most feathers will win a pizza party and free dress day.

This year the money that we raise through the Turkey Feathers will go to Catholic Charities for the coat drive. Students and faculty brought in gently used coats and jackets, as well. This year the 6th grade purchased the most feathers! The school community raised $1800.00 for Catholic Charities. Saint Ann’s will also donate a total of 90 coats to Catholic Charities for their Coat Drive. We are all very proud to be part of this archdiocese wide coat drive for men, women and children who are in need. Together we can help thousands of our neighbors stay warm during this cold winter season.

Saint Ann’s Academy Fifth Grade Students

Maura Ryan

Elizabeth Thomas

Magnum Brandt